Statistics Statistics
Verified Users: 388,952
Verified Emails: 480,395
Verified Domains: 217,400
Certificates Issued: 1,524,110
Valid Certificates: 5,675
Assurances Made: 124,816
Users with 1-49 Points: 8,530
Users with 50-99 Points: 6,598
Assurer Candidates: 10,943
Assurers with test: 6,758
Points Issued: 3,259,784 Growth in the last 12 months
Date New Users New Assurers New Certificates
2024-07 131 0 121
2024-06 137 0 209
2024-05 172 0 179
2024-04 217 0 218
2024-03 208 0 300
2024-02 209 0 289
2024-01 178 0 110
2023-12 34 0 64
2023-11 0 0 0
2023-10 0 0 0
2023-09 145 0 85
2023-08 186 0 101
Total 1,617 0 1,676 Growth by year
Date New Users New Assurers New Certificates
2024 1,252 1 1,426
2023 1,674 1 2,132
2022 3,138 2 4,871
2021 4,353 2 6,644
2020 6,691 4 9,835
2019 8,101 21 19,394
2018 9,568 19 25,992
2017 12,754 61 34,971
2016 17,489 85 55,309
2015 27,788 328 96,380
2014 34,035 636 133,047
2013 27,407 519 119,487
2012 23,039 401 101,089
2011 24,427 519 111,607
2010 27,000 828 120,023
2009 29,563 1,390 136,738
2008 28,866 1,463 139,926
2007 26,516 1,974 126,752
2006 31,475 2,864 126,075
2005 27,732 3,366 102,211
2004 13,189 855 39,448
2003 2,736 75 4,002
2002 159 0 147
Total 388,952 15,414 1,517,506

Last updated: 2024-07-27 02:45:59
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