Loga CAcert

On this page you find a number of logos to add to your website. Help CAcert to get some publicity by using a logo to link back to http://www.cacert.org/ or to indicate that you or your website are using a CAcert certificates for security and privacy.

If you want to use the graphics and design, or you want to contribute something, please read the CAcert Styleguide

Collection 1 created by Christoph Probst (November 2004)

www.cacert.org logo

www.cacert.org logo   www.cacert.org logo  

www.cacert.org   www.cacert.org

Jak mogę umieścić logo na mojej stronie?

It is extremly easy! Just pick an image from the collections above and use it for example with the following html code fragment:

<a href="http://www.cacert.org/"><img src="INSERT-FILENAME.PNG" alt="www.cacert.org" style="border-width: 0px;" /></a>

Wynik powinien zwrócić coś podobnego do:www.cacert.org

Create more badges

CAcert lives from the community! If you want to contribute additional images please send them to cacert@lists.cacert.org to have them added to this website.

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