
Many people to thank, if you've had a large input with the CAcert project with code, documentation, translations, or assurances and would like recognition let me know.

Lista osób w przypadkowej kolejności

  • Christian Barmala - Put a lot of effort convincing people in Germany to signup and be assured, he started work on a new RFC compliant CPS, spent countless hours helping with tech support, and so much more
  • Guillaume Romagny - He's constantly helping out on the support list, building up documentation and all round nice guy, he was even offered a free book and turned down the offer until there is a book on CAcert available!
  • Adam Butler - For much of the art work that exists on the website, t-shirt designs, much of the organisational work for Usenix '04, as well as a few published articles and written documents.
  • Philipp Gühring - Włożył tak wiele mnóstwo wysiłku w rozwój CAcert, że nie wiem od czego zacząć. Christian stworzył szkic Kodeksu Postępowania Certyfikacyjnego (CPS). Spędził też niezliczone godziny potwierdzając tożsamość ludzi i uczestnicząc w konferencjach by pomóc w promocji.
  • Evaldo Gardenali - Has put a lot of time and effort into promoting and assuring people in Brazil and South America, and for helping to translate this site into Portuguese
  • Ben Pollinger - Did a substantial amount of work on the previous website design, and has been floating about on the mailing lists often giving invaluble insight into what we should be doing better.
  • William Amaral - Został zaangażowany w tłumaczenie tej strony na Portugalski
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